Friday 28 September 2012

Events and staff leavings news

We've had quite a week. 3 people on holiday, another staff member unavailable and on Sunday Emily left.  Emily came in to see us just before setting off for Kingston on Thames to resume her creative writing course and left us an amazing testimonial.  We'll really miss her. She was instrumental in setting up the poetry events here and getting Gordon motivated to write again, and although poetry has only a minority following is important nontheless.  Just before last week's evening with a theme of 'Spiders' Gordon penned the following limerick.
There was an old spider called Bruce
who spotting a fly buzzing loose
said "you're looking much thinner
so please come to dinner
and I'll let you swing on my noose."
Saturday the 22nd we hosted the 60th birthday party of Nigel Spencer. It was really well attended
by family and friends and I believe everyone  had a thoroughly good time.  All 7 siblings compiled a
film of Nigel's life so far. It marked the end of Tamsin's summer at the hotel and Meghann's 2 year
stint working here part-time whilst at 6th form college. Now they're both back to University and we're
already missing them, because that's in addition to those mentioned in the first paragraph..  What a week!
We're on the lookout now for bright, enthusiastic replacements.